BC25 Art Gallery

The Treasure
Alicia Wilkinson
Acrylic paint with heavy gel on wood panel, 3ft diameter, $1400, Website: www.aliciawilkinson.com

In Plan Sight
Ashley Landreth
Acrylic on canvas, 20x24, NFS, Instagram: @artbyaklandreth, Website: www.aklandreth.com

Brandon Willett
Acrylic on canvas, 24x30, $500, Instagram: @bwillackers, Website: www.bwillettdesign.com

Car Fire 02
Brandon Willett
Found images, acrylic spray paint on canvas, 12x12, $200, Instagram: @bwillackers, Website: www.bwillettdesign.com

Car Fire 01
Brandon Willett
Found images, acrylic spray paint on canvas, 12x12, $200, Instagram: @bwillackers, Website: www.bwillettdesign.com

Eric Ronshsugen
Digital photography, 24x32, $1,400, Instagram: @eronshaugen, Website: www.ronshaugen.com

Jesus Feeds the 5000
Heather Parker
Acrylic and oil on canvas, 30x30, $2,100, Instagram: @heather.parker.art, Website: www.heatherparkerart.com

The Council
Heidi Melo
Pencil on paper, 7.5x10, NFS, Instagram: @heidi_marshmelo_art, Website: www.heidimarshmeloart.wixsite.com

Eternal Bloom
Erika Masterson
Photography, 16x20, $350, Instagram: @erikamasterson, Website: www.erikamasterson.com

Memento Metamorphosis
Elisabeth Marsch
Oil and chemical reaction on copper, 36x48, $13,350, Instagram: @marsch_studios, Website: www.marschstudios.com
Jacob Daniels
Oil and 11K gold on panel, 24x16, $1,300, Instagram: @jacobdanielsart, Website: www.jacobdanielsart.com

Hope | Loss
Lorena Long
Oil on canvas, 36x48, $1,000, Instagram: @lorena.long, Website: www.lorenalong.com

At the Gate of the Frog Prince
Counsel Langley
Acrylic, ink, graphite, glitter on panel, 20x10.75, $800, Instagram: @counsellangley, Website: www.counsellangley.com

Self Portrait on a Bed of Roses
Josiah King
Oil on canvas, 36x36, $4,800, Instagram: @josiahking.art, Website: www.josiahking.com

Intricately Woven
Jupiter Katsaros
Embroidery on tulle, 24x22, NFS, Instagram: @eightymoons, Website: www.eightymoons.com

Among the Trees
Mary Beth Jones
Digital photography, 15x21, $100, Website: www.marybethjonesphotography.com

Clouds Lifting Over the Valley
Jessie Jellicorse
Oil on canvas, 24x36, NFS, Instagram: @jessiejellicorseart, Website: www.jessiejellicorse.com

Rooted & Liminal No. 5
Craig Hawkins (Juror)
Oil on canvas, 36x48, $9,000, Instagram: @craighawkinsart, Website: www.craighawkinsart

Cinnamon and Sugar
Kathy Guss
Porcelain with terra sigillata, 8x7x5, $175, Instagram: @kathy.guss, Website: www.gusspots.com

Kathy Guss
Earthenware with terra sigillata, 8x7x5, $150, Instagram: @kathy.guss, Website: www.gusspots.com

Chrys Corn Goodman
Oil, cold wax, pastel and wax pencil on cradled wood panel, 12x12, For Sale Upon Request, Instagram: @chryscorn, Website: www.chryscorn.com

Some Sistine
Corey Frey
Wood, fabric, plaster, $3,000, Instagram: @coreysfrey, Website: www.coreysfrey.com

Object on Table
Hattie Eshleman
Collage, 5x7, $300, Instagram: @hattie.eshleman, Website: www.hattieashleman

The Glory of God on the Face of Moses
Elizabeth Bowman
Oil on canvas, 24x36, $1,630, Instagram: @elizabethbowman_artist, Website: www.elizabethbowman.com